Julia Pretl, a very accomplished Baltimore beadworker, will teach a one day workshop on peyote boxes 10 am- 4pm at Forestheart Studio in Woodsboro MD (near Frederick) Saturday November 10, 2001. (See Julia's work in person at Forestheart Studio, in Beadwork magazine Nov/ Dec 2000 issue, and on her website: www.darkharebeadwork.com )
The main instruction will be on how to make the box's bottoms and tops that echo the number of sides, and decrease to fit gracefully. You can have a three, four, five, or six sided box.
Design and work the sides of the box before class (see more info below): a peyote tube, ready for a bottom to be added and a lid to be made. The staggered rows are the top and bottom edges. Delicas recommended, but seed beads size 11 may work.
Each side of the box should have an even bead count. It is definitely easier to do the decreases if each side has an even number of beads *including* one bead for the turn. In other words... when designing one side of the piece, the design should be for an odd count (this is for the entire staggered row) plus the one turning bead (this is a "corner" were the tube is turning to form a new side of the box). Conveniently, that gives you a center line on each side if you are doing symetrical designs.
Largish pieces are generally helpful for the first time because it is easier to see how the decreases work and it is also easier to do the lining. But if the piece is there won't be time to finish during the class. So plan no larger than 200 beads and no smaller than 100~ that's for the starting row... (which becomes two rows when staggered).
call Forestheart Studio to sign up for
the class. $60 if paid before Oct. 20; $69 after.
301-845-4447 200 South Main St. Woodsboro MD 21798
Call or e-mail the instructor, Julia
Pretl, with technical questions;
Julia is currently helping to coordinate
an international beadquilt project
to memorialize those affected by the events of September 11, 2001.
See http://www.beadquilt.org for details.