Special Events (please scroll down!)
Walk Thursday October 11, 2001 Corolla NC on the beach
Saturday November
10, 11 til 4 or so
taught by Julia
Pretl (see www.darkharebeadwork.com)
$65/person, $60
if prepaid by October 20
call to register
and for details 301-845-4447

NEW: KNITTING CLASS and get together
Fridays 11:30-1:30 $10/person
all welcome- novice to advanced knitter
mid Maryland rug
hooking group
Meets the third
Thursday each month, 11 am, with quarterly Saturday meetings planned
Hen Party- fourth
Saturdays, 11 am til...
bring your beadwork or
other handwork, a bag lunch,
and come visit with the ladies
(gentlemen in touch with
their needlearts are welcome too)
first full weekend of May, every year
we have a booth at
the Maryland Sheep
and Wool Festival
The studio is closed the Saturday
of the Sheep and Wool Festival.
early October, every
year, we have a booth at the
Northern Virginia
Bead Society Bazaar
October 6-7 2001
held in the community
center in Vienna Virginia
the studio may
be closed the Saturday of the bazaar- please call to check
Forestheart Studio 200 South Main
Street, Woodsboro Maryland 21798
call for more details:
rug hooking beads glass
bead making fusing raku dyes
weaving, yarns, spinning
triaxial weaving labyrinths silk
painting, silk ribbons
classes special workshops
at Forestheart special events
workshops at your site travel schedule hours home
NOTE: all prices, times, etc. herein
are subject to changes without notice.
Please confirm by telephone just prior to your visit/order.
All content, graphics,
photos © 2000 Mary T. Klotz, Forestheart Studio unless otherwise